
Keynote speaker, hands-on workshops
and moderator

My goal is to share valuable tools, experience and knowledge with other professionals and business leaders, connect and learn from each other, because that expands our perspectives, our possibilities and our impact.
I strongly believe that we’re all here in a continuous learning process.

One of things that I enjoy the most is to connect with other human beings, communicating and learning from each other.

As a curious soul, I’m constantly exploring, learning and open to exchange experiences, perspectives and knowledge with other professionals, because I strongly believe that great things happen when we collaborate and open ourselves to different experiences, disciplines and backgrounds.


What do I talk about?

Create an innovative business aligned with growing trends
Tactical workshop
Innovating is creating something that doesn't exist yet, but which is responding to a need or solving a problem in a better way than any other option available.
Here you'll learn smart ways to bring innovation to your business, allowing you to be differentiating and future-proof products and services
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Mindset: clarity and direction for success that lasts
Strategic workshop
Financial planning, knowing your audience, these are all important. But even before that, you should have a clear strategy that takes into account your strengths, values, purpose and motivations
Here you gain clarity and set robust pillars for your entrepreneurship to fearlessly lead a successful and fulfilling business
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about me

Mentorship with soul – and expertise

I’ve spent more than 10 years helping businesses define, create and launch new products and services. I’ll use all my cross-disciplinary know-how to help you navigate challenges, unleash your creativity and shape the future you want for your business. 

I’ve spent over a decade helping businesses define, create and launch new products and services, working as part of all sorts of companies, from tech start-ups to consultancies and business giants. 

Now, I want to bring this knowledge to entrepreneurs and small-to-medium companies and use all my cross-disciplinary know-how to help you navigate challenges, unleash your creativity and shape the future you want for your business in a way that also feels good to you. 

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