Bali. A Journey Back to Yourself
We all deserve to live the life we desire

8th to 14th October 2024

Inspiration, self-exploration and creation
in a sacred space

Join this journey to connect with your unique nature
and create a life that makes you feel satisfied, abundant and full of joy


Close your eyes. Inhale. Exhale. Thanks for being part of this.

Immerse yourself in a sacred space of inspiration, self-exploration and creation, where you’ll connect with your most authentic self to create a joyful life, work and/or projects that align with your natural strengths and talents.

During this journey, we will use different tools, methods and techniques that allow you to identify your purpose, your natural talents, abilities and we’ll explore ways to materialise all of these into a new direction or project.

You will gain clarity and confidence for a better decision-making, aligning your external actions with your deepest needs and aspirations.

What makes this retreat so special

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection with your most authentic nature, gaining clarity, confidence and direction to bring your life to the next level through a deep transformation.

Be the leader in your life, work and/or projects

You’ll get tools, resources and the mindset to create a future that aligns with your strengths, needs and deepest desires, aligning your true nature with your external actions resulting in more joy, satisfaction, abundance and ease. 

Grounded, REAL and genuine

We’ll be a small group to allow deeper connection and a safe space for genuine expression. 

We won’t stay on the surface of things, we’ll roll up our sleeves and immerse ourselves in a gentle, yet profound, experience to let go of what no longer is serving and release your true creative power. No fluffy words, but real deep work with love, care and support.

Experiencing the powerful energy of this island

In the middle of the jungle and by a sacred river, where you can feel the power of the stunning nature of the island, getting renewed energy as a way to start fresh a completely new chapter in your life.

The retreat will finish with a full experience of energy cleanse and private rebirthing in a sacred temple in the middle of the jungle, following a very special balinese ritual. Something you won’t get to live as a tourist.

Creating positive impact for everyone involved

During this journey we’ll connect with the local community to learn from each other, exchange abilities, knowledge and experiences and create positive impact for everyone involved.

You’ll end with full clarity, a direction and a plan for you. 

Why Bali?

Bali became a very inspiring place and the starting point of my own professional transformation. A place where I keep going and feels like home.

The Island of the Gods

Spirituality is a big part of the life, philosophy and culture here. Everything has a deeper meaning and the connection with life, nature and the community are profound and a big part of the everyday life.

It’s a very safe destination for all travellers, with a population that is deeply generous, respectful and caring.

Many people from around the world come to Bali for its very special energy and vibe. Home of artists, surfers, wellness experts, business leaders, digital nomads, nature lovers, individuals seeking a different and more authentic lifestyle and connections, and travellers who came for a visit and decided to stay because of this.

Source of Inspiration

Belonging to the Indonesian archipelago, the dynamics, culture and population in the island are very different to the rest of the country.

It’s also a reference point for those who want to explore other islands and the cultural variety of this country. All of it provides the openness, quietness and also stimulation that allow deep inspiration, personal alignment and profound expansion.

Content of the retreat

  • MEDITATION: The goal is to develop an attitude of acceptance and openness towards everything that appears in the mind and body, without rejecting any experience.
  • YOGA: Focused on relaxing, restoring and connecting mind, body and soul through movement and breath.

  • INTUITION: A way of accessing inner knowledge in a more direct way. It goes beyond the obvious and visible allowing to capture and understand more subtle and unconscious aspects. It allows us to make better decisions, more aligned with our authenticity and purpose.

  • ASTROLOGY: A symbolic language that connects us with the entire universe and a map of all our potential: talents, strengths, communication, resources, associations, vocation, routines, path to personal growth and much more.

  • CREATIVITY: We are creative by nature. It allows us to rethink situations, find new solutions. Creativity takes place in spaces of silence and inner peace, when our mind is relaxed and has space to ramble.

  • POSITIVE IMPACT: One of the biggest values of this retreat is to respect and honour the environment and the people that takes part in it, contributes to it and allows us to make it happen with the goal of generating abundance for everyone involved.

  • LEARNING: Open up to new experiences and expand our world. Get out of the comfort zone to incorporate new knowledge, ideas, perspectives and inspiration, free of judgement to release what no longer serves us.

  • SPIRITUALITY: Bali is also known as «the Island of the Gods» due to all the spirituality and traditions in its culture and in the everyday rituals of the balinese. Budism, Hinduism and ancient traditions get mixed in this island and you can experience it, live it, breath it wherever you go in the island and at an energetic, philosophical and mindset level, beyond the obvious.

Activities and Workshops:

  • Set your intentions for this retreat
  • The Wheel of Life: Where I am now and where I want to be
  • Your Energy Map: Natal chart reading
  • Unlock all your power: Overcoming limiting beliefs
  • A dream come true: path to the future
  • We are one: Contribute to the local community
  • Breathwork: Release internal blockages through your breath
  • Play is serious: Connect with your natural creativity
  • Steps into the future: Clarity, alignment, and a plan
  • A new beginning: Energy cleansing following a traditional Balinese ritual in a Hindu temple in the jungle.
  • Daily journaling, meditation, and yoga
  • Free time for introspection, walks, and relaxation
  • Free balinese massage included


A very special Welcome Pack

At the arrival you will receive a personalised Welcome Pack to make your experience very special. 

Every element included is carefully selected for you. For this purpose, we’ll send you a form or have a call with you to get to know you moreW

Accommodation and Food

The food included comes from local production for a nourishing and revitalising diet that includes traditional recipes, natural juices, fresh fruits and vegetables, coconut water, tea and coffee. The resort also has a holophonic garden, where most of the ingredients of the different dishes served come from.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner are provided. Any specific diet requirements should be communicated, so we can take them into account.

This will all take place in Kusfarm Bali, an eco friendly resort accommodation by a sacred river, away from the crowds, in the jungle and close to the rice fields and a quiet beach.

The rooms are wooden huts with private bathroom, hammocks and space for relaxation. The resort also has a swimming pool where you can chill during the free time.

The shala, where most of this will happen, is completely open to the nature, with wooden floor and ceiling providing a calming experience for all your senses.


Gain clarity on your strengths, values, mission and the direction you want to take in order to move forward with confidence, celebrating what makes you unique!


Live challenges as opportunities, find new pathways to align your direction in life and at work, and your decisions with your true nature and your most Authentic Self, your natural gifts and all the power you’re here to express.

Lead your work and life with confidence and reassurance!


Translate all that into a concrete plan that allows you to achieve your goals, personal and professional to grow and evolve from a place of Motivation, Energy, Joy and Abundance.

About me

More than 10 years working as social and consumer researcher as part of innovation teams, understanding human needs, behaviours and motivations to inform the strategy and the design of products and services. I’ve lead research teams, given talks and trainings in different universities and public institutions.

My passion and goal is to put humans at the center of the process and support them on their journey towards personal and professional fulfillment, to believe in themselves and live a life of joy and expansion, balance and wellbeing.

Because it’s a basic need for any human being in the world.

I’ve lived and worked in different countries, I’m an avid traveler and Bali became a very inspiring place and the starting point of my own professional transformation. A place where I keep going and feels like home.

I keep giving trainings and talks, and collaborate as a consultant for organisations and institutions that want to generate positive impact and put humans at the center of their processes, as a way to generate positive synergies and win-win results.

Apart from my university studies in Business Management, Social Research and Innovation Management, I’ve also learnt and have my certificate in Integrative Coaching and NLP, Systemic Coaching, Psychological Astrology, Mindfulness Meditation and keep learning and incorporating knowledge and tools into my everyday work.